Vs. Vs.

Searching for the term "Godaddy Sucks" in google will get you over 15,500 narrow results and over 1,630,000 (wide) results.

This tells you something...

This tells you something very important...


This page may go down because of the bad review. In case you haven't allready joined my VIP LIST, do it now. There I can sent you & talk about matters more privately. Just fill out the form to the right >>

From the horror stories I've read so far about godaddy here are a few things that might happen:

  • godaddy will charge you for no reason
  • searching for a domain name with godaddy & not purchasing it immediately will make godaddy(or some other hosting companies) just buy it to just test it and see if it gets any traffic. If you'll want to buy it later you'll have to pay more! (Search the term "domain tasting" in google
  • Godaddy will hold up your domain if "suspicious" of fraud - just imagine how much money you would loose if a domain thats getting heavy traffic gets hold up for their week-long investigations
  • they will suspend your domain if they get any spam complaint and charge you ($200?) to release it
  • they will try to fuck you in the ass (click the blue link to read)

Okay, that's just a few of them...

Now, when you search for "godaddy sucks" on google you may probably find a site that say godaddy doesn't suck. And this guy says that out of the 2,400,000 pages godaddy hosts there are only about 375 that claim godaddy sucks, and that's just only 0.00015%... not a big deal, right?

I don't know how he got that number, but now there are over 15,500. But that's not the point. The thing is, what do you expect? Half of the people to actually create websites that say godaddy sucks? No! Most people's voice is unheard! The 15,500 are the people who are actually really PISSED of goddady, so pissed they actually created a website to say why godaddy sucks!

That's actually frightening.. 15,500!!!

Well anyway... Here are some alternatives you can try

Both are great!

Well I'll probably have to take this page down too, since it's a too harsh review maybe. That's why I can't post these reviews publicly like that. Join my VIP list in case you haven't allready, that way you'll be able to receive emails regarding topics I can't really talk publicly!

So to recap.

01. Avoid godaddy.

02. Sing Up to my V.I.P. list (scroll to the top and look in the right side of the site, you'll see "Get On My VIP List" fill out that form and singup)

03. Get your domains from namecheap or domainsite

04. Use hostgator for hosting. Click here...

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PS. Stay away from too!